Thursday, April 15, 2010

Duur...So dumb...can't work keyboard...

Seriously? Dumbest Generation? Who can even state that? We're really not dumb. If you show any of the "older generation" some of the newer high tech devices such as iPods, cellphones, tablets; we're usually the ones explaining it to them. Maybe we're not the same smart as the older generation would classify, but we're definitely NOT dumb. One of Mark Bauerlein arguments is that technology is a boon to higher education. Someone needs to explain this to me because as I see it, technology is providing us with more opportunities for higher education! Think of all the greater variety of materials that students can research thanks to the wide reach of the Internet! We can connect to other nations. This lets us find information worldwide. I guess I could see the argument that this makes us lazier. We don't have to leave the comfort of our dorm room to find any sources we need for information. Perhaps using an actual library is becoming outdated. We can find most articles online.

I think the greater thing that needs to be addressed is how the technology is used in the classroom. When professors assign readings on the computer, students do their normal thing and skim it. This is what makes us dumb? If a professor assigned a book reading I’m sure the students would do the same thing! Have students not always done that? Maybe this is just a sign of change and teachers need to adapt to this sort of new process. I know this is a far stretch and many would criticize this idea, but the world evolves. Can teaching not evolve as well? Technology could be an excellent tool if used properly. I brought up the point in class how at my high school students were more likely to participate when using the smartboards. Another student made a comment along the lines of, “Sort of like the chalkboards, eh?” I understand that we technically already have the ability to contribute in class, but using technology makes it so much more interesting! Plus, with things advancing as they do, who knows the future technologies that could be created to further the interactivity in classrooms. I know in the classes that are all lecture I’m more likely to day dream and not pay attention. Classes that are more interactive grab my attention more. Therefore I think the use of technology in classes at least actually improves the learning environment. That is…as long as the professors know how to use it.

Overall I completely disagree with Mark Bauerlein. My generation is not dumb. We’ve simply become a new type of “smart”. Toodles.

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