Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Is Google a Verb Now?

I’m trying to think back to the first time I used Google. I think the amount of times I’ve used it over the years has blurred my memory because for the life of me I can’t remember. Google has become such an essential part to my researching and browsing on the Internet, I can’t imagine what it would be without it. Is it a bad thing having a super power like it? I’m not entirely sure. It has its pros and cons.

When I check out other search engines, I question the credibility of their results. Have they been paid off to put certain sites at the top? At least with Google I’m a little more familiar with how their results are put together. Plus, it being such a well known site makes me feel a little more secure if I ever use it to research.
One problem I can foresee with a giant company like Google is the change in future generations research patterns. I mean this sort of thing is already having an effect. When I have to look up sources for paper I can easily Google what I’m looking for. However, I was taught the conventional way of going to the library and researching too. I wonder if farther down the lines students won’t even know how to do this. What’s the point when you have something like Google that can bring the sources to you right on your computer without having to go?

Another problem that could occur is with practically no competition, Google monopolizes a lot of options. Small companies couldn’t even dream of competing with them. The closest they have to competition is Bing. Also we’re seeing Google branch out to other things besides just being a search engine. With such power it could practically put out a lot of companies in whatever it tries I think.

Overall, I think having such a dominant company isn’t such a great thing. Yeah it’s not going to exactly harm us, but it does limit us in options. If Google had competition, the two companies would probably try a lot harder to outdo each other. Thus creating even more spectacular options! Think of the possibilities. Toodles!


  1. Good post Jenae. I agree with you that the main danger of Google's near monopoly over online search is that the lack of competition means it is not as motivated to innovate. Of course, Google's corporate culture is unique-- they give their engineers essentially one day a week to work on projects of their own devising-- so perhaps they will be immune to stagnation. Then again, I'm sure people said that about Microsoft.

  2. Going along with what Mr. Macek said - Google is a leader in research & development, so they will (in my opinion) always be creating and innovating. I see the fear that search results could be bought, and it would not surprise me that they have affiliates (say - Verizon and the Droid using Google software) at the top of page ranks, but that's business. I don't think they could ever truly monopolize the search engine market - and for that they will be innovating and it could be good for business. I suppose "only time will tell"
