Sunday, April 25, 2010

Frightened About Facebook

Walk into Rall, down the hallway, key in my door, walk into my room, turn on my computer, and check Facebook. That’s my constantly reoccurring steps to coming back to my room. It’s my ever day process! How could I, therefore, ever manage to go even a day without it? I hate knowing this because I would never want to be that dependent on something, but honestly it’s like the easiest way to keep in contact with people. I use Facebook mostly for leaving wall posts on friends from back home that I don’t really get to talk too much. Also it’s kinda fun to update my status with like funny quotes or things that happened in the day. I think if I tried going a day without it I’d eventually cave just because I like to keep up with other people’s statuses and see what they’re doing. That sounds sort of stalkerish, but I assure you it’s just reading the news feed and what not. This is really beneficial sometimes. For example, when I go all the way home to southern Illinois it’s great to check Facebook and see which of my friends from college are home too. Then we can make plans over Facebook to hang out. Writing this makes me realize how much easier it would be to just text the people…but I wanna say Facebook makes it so less awkward in a way.

Is Facebook affecting the way our generation communicates? That’s what this topic really makes me think about. I just talked in the last paragraph about texting and Facebooking my friends. Never about actually calling them. And thinking about it now I know I probably wouldn’t ever call my friends because I’m so set on the technology of online communicating. That’s so…SAD! I’m sure I’m not the only one out there that’s completely set with texting or Facebooking. Is this going to have a major effect on kids of the future? I already find it startling how young kids are getting cell phones. I didn’t get one til the 8th grade! Even then it was only for emergencies. I have cousins that are in like the 5th grade asking for one. They’re going to learn to text and stuff at an incredibly early age. What kind of social skills are they going to have in one-on-one communication then?

Facebook is unfortunately an essential part of my day that I don’t think I could be without. Realizing this now…it makes me wonder about the future of communication. Well I gotta go update my Facebook status about this! Toodles!

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